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Zod Type Baggage

Zod also allows you to attach additional properties, referred to as “baggage”, to Zod types. This allows you to store and retrieve extra data from your Zod types. Here’s a sample usage:

import { z } from "";
import * as za from "";
// define your baggage type
type SyntheticBaggage = {
property1: string;
property2: number;
// define baggage supplier
type SyntheticBaggageSupplier = {
syntheticBaggage: SyntheticBaggage;
// create a zod baggage
const sb = za.zodBaggage<SyntheticBaggage, SyntheticBaggageSupplier>(
// get the zodTypeBaggageProxy
const { zodTypeBaggageProxy: proxy } = sb;
// apply the proxy to a Zod type
const baggageText = proxy(z.string());
baggageText.syntheticBaggage = {
property1: "baggageText",
property2: 1285,

In the above example, SyntheticBaggage and SyntheticBaggageSupplier types are defined to represent a type of additional data that can be associated with Zod types. This ‘baggage’ includes a string property (property1) and a number property (property2). The zodBaggage function from zod-aide is used to create a ‘baggage’ object (sb). This function expects two types: one for the baggage itself, and one for the supplier of the baggage. From this baggage object, a ‘proxy’ is extracted which enables the ability to add baggage to any Zod type. In this case, the proxy is applied to a Zod string type (baggageText). Finally, the synthetic baggage (containing the string “baggageText” and the number 1285) is associated with baggageText via the proxy.

Terminal window
deno run ./examples/getting-started/06-zod-type-baggage.sqla.ts


{ property1: "baggageText", property2: 1285 }