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SQL Domains

In SQL, a domain refers to a specific set of allowed values that a column (field) can have in a database table. It defines the possible values for a certain data type, which may also include constraints like NOT NULL, CHECK, DEFAULT, etc. This concept is closely related to the notion of data types and constraints.

SQL domains provide a way to constrain the kind of data that can be stored in a table column. By using a domain, you can ensure that only certain types of data are inserted into specific fields, helping to maintain the integrity and consistency of your data.

For example, suppose we have a domain called “positive_integer” that ensures the value is an integer and greater than zero. Any column defined with this domain can only contain positive integers. If someone tries to insert non-compliant data (like a negative number, a decimal, or a string), the SQL engine would throw an error.

It’s important to note that not all database systems support the SQL DOMAIN feature directly. PostgreSQL and some others do, but MySQL and SQLite, for example, do not. In those cases, similar functionality can often be achieved with the appropriate use of data types, constraints, and/or triggers.


A SQL domain, encapsulated via the render/domain/domain.ts:SqlDomain type, should be considered an atomic data type, created using Zod as an infrastructure library, with optional constraints or restrictions that should be placed on what kind of data can go into an attribute or column.

render/domain/domain.ts is the primary file which manages the core Zod data types and how they are mapped to SQL domains.

SqlDomain instances are wrapped in Zod scalar schema valuable for many use cases:

  • defining a column of a table that may generate create table DDL
  • defining a column in a select clause
  • defining a column of a view that may generate create view DDL
  • defining an argument of a stored function or procedure

A domain should be a simple JS/TS object that has no other relationships or dependencies (see ‘domains’ below for relationships). Domains are effective when they remain type-safe through Zod and should be composable through simple functions and spread operators. This allows, e.g., a column defined for a “create table” DDL defintion to be used as an argument definition for a stored function and vice-versa. Favoring composability over inheritance is the reason why a data definition domain remains a simple JS object instead of a class.

For example, text, integer, etc. are generic domains but a domain may also be person_id, daily_purchase_amount, or any custom business data.


A render/domain/domains.ts:SqlDomains object groups multiple domains and treats them as a collection. Domains are abstract types valuable for these use cases:

  • defining a list of columns in a table for DDL
  • defining a list of select clause columns in SQL statement
  • defining a list of arguments for a stored function


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