import { z } from "";import * as SQLa from ""; type SyntheticContext = SQLa.SqlEmitContext;const pkcFactory = SQLa.primaryKeyColumnFactory<SyntheticContext>(); const tableWithAutoIncPK = SQLa.tableDefinition( "synthetic_table_with_auto_inc_pk", { auto_inc_primary_key: pkcFactory.autoIncPrimaryKey(), text: z.string(), text_nullable: z.string().optional(), int: z.number(), int_nullable: z.number().optional(), },); const seedDDL = SQLa.SQL(SQLa.typicalSqlTextSupplierOptions())` -- this is a template where you can add any SQL -- now emit the Zod table ${tableWithAutoIncPK} -- now emit something else after the table`; console.log(seedDDL.SQL(SQLa.typicalSqlEmitContext()));
deno run ./examples/getting-started/08-zod-table-pk-tmpl.sqla.ts
-- this is a template where you can add any SQL -- now emit the Zod tableCREATE TABLE "synthetic_table_with_auto_inc_pk" ( "auto_inc_primary_key" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "text" TEXT NOT NULL, "text_nullable" TEXT, "int" INTEGER NOT NULL, "int_nullable" INTEGER); -- now emit something else after the table