Table DDL Aides
uses Zod to declare type-safe tables and generate SQL DDL that can be
used directly in template literals.
Type-safe declarations
Assuming ctx
and stsOptions
are setup as in the examples above, you can
import z
from Zod, prepare a table definition and then use it:
const typeSafeTable1 = t.tableDefinition("synthetic_table_without_pk", { text: z.string(), text_nullable: z.string().optional(), int: z.number(), int_nullable: z.number().optional(),});
type TypeSafeTable1 = z.infer<typeof typeSafeTable1.zSchema>;const record: TypeSafeTable1 = { text: "required", int: 0, text_nullable: undefined,};
const templateDefn = SQLa.SQL<SyntheticTmplContext>(stsOptions)`-- this is a minimal SQL generator template${syntheticTable1Defn}
is a custom-prepared (not type-safe) but typeSafeTable1
is type-safe because it’s defined using a Zod schema.